Buy Smile Precure ! Colorful Transformation! Smile Pact
Differences Smile Precure ! Colorful Transformation! Smile Pact with another product is, the product Smile Precure ! Colorful Transformation! Smile Pact has been tested by a team of experts in their field and Smile Precure ! Colorful Transformation! Smile Pact already qualified. So do the choosing Smile Precure ! Colorful Transformation! Smile Pact this. We are sure you must be satisfied using Smile Precure ! Colorful Transformation! Smile Pact to meet your needs. Hopefully you are satisfied using the Smile Precure ! Colorful Transformation! Smile Pact ....
The "colorful transformation ! smile pact" which can enjoy transformation play of five persons' smile Precure appears!
When each cure Decoru is set and it touches with a puff, the color of each cure Decoru is reflected in a puff, and transformation play is possible.
Cure Decoru all recognition [ seed ] is possible, and sound play is still more happily possible by changing.
In addition, seven sorts of mini games and play can also be enjoyed!
The battery used: AAA x2(option) and LR44x3 (attachment)
Smile Precure ! Colorful Transformation! Smile Pact
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