Buy Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper .177 Caliber Air Rifle with 4X32 Rifle Scope and SAT 2-stage adjustable trigger
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The "BONE COLLECTOR" Bull Whisper.177 air rifle is designed in collaboration with Michael Waddell and Travis “T Bone†Turner of the "BONE COLLECTOR" TV series. The gun is built on a special hunter forest green composite stock with dark grey rubber grip inserts. The Bull Whisper is a new noise and muzzle blast reducer integrated into a bull barrel. The "Bone Collector" logo is prominently shown on the synthetic high-grade stock. It utilizes the advanced IGT (Inert Gas Technology) which drives the new .177 cal. Platinum Ballistic Alloy PBA hunting rounds at up to 1300 fps.
Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper .177 Caliber Air Rifle with 4X32 Rifle Scope and SAT 2-stage adjustable trigger
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Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper .177 Features :
- 0.177 Caliber single shot air rifle with fiber optic sights
- Shoots 1250 feet per second (fps) with PBA platinum ammo
- Single cocking system; Non-slip checkering on grip and forearm
- Durable all-weather green synthetic stock; Rubber grips Twin Cheek pads for ambidextrous shooting;
- Bull Whisper noise dampener, Fluted, Polymer Jacketed Steel Barrel
Gamo Bone Collector Reviews,

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