Cheap Hifonics GLX2200.1D Gladiator 1 x 2200 Watts and 1 Ohm Amplifier
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The "Power from the Gods" legend began with the first Hifonics amplifier built over 25 years ago. Hifonics was Number One in developing: 1st - 200 watt automobile amplifier 1st - 600 watt automobile amplifier 1st - True automobile parametric equalizer 1st - 4-channel amplifier with built-in crossover 1st - 6-channel amplifier with built-in 3-way crossover Today's lineup of Hifonics A/B amps offers incredible flexibility in creating the ultimate, unique sound system. For SPL, look no further than our amps with Hifonics' exclusive "Super D-Class" grade microprocessors - "more wattage output with less battery current used" for more real power for the money!
Hifonics GLX2200.1D Gladiator 1 x 2200 Watts and 1 Ohm Amplifier
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Hifonics GLX2200.1D Gladiator 1 x 2200 Features :
- NGSD (Next Generation Super D-Class) Technology on Mono Amps with High Speed MOSFET Output Devices
- PWM Power Supply with Molded Terminals and RCA Inputs and Outputs
- One of a Kind Exterior Design that is CEA Certified and has Military Grade PCB
- Balanced Input on Mono Amps A/B Analog Class Multi-Channel Amps 4/2/1 Ohm Stable Mono Amps and 4/2 Ohm Stable Multi-Channel Amps
- Link N' Sync Capability on GLX2200.1D with Built-in System Diagnostics
Hifonics GLX2200.1D Gladiator Reviews,

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