Buy Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System
Differences Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System with another product is, the product Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System has been tested by a team of experts in their field and Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System already qualified. So do the choosing Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System this. We are sure you must be satisfied using Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System to meet your needs. Hopefully you are satisfied using the Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System ....
The "all-time" best selling wireless microphone for videography. This versatile system consists of the WM-PRO belt-pack transmitter 2 plug-in electret condenser microphones, a lavalier (EX-503) and handheld (EX-413) and the WR-PRO receiver which comes with both shoe-mount and hook and loop fastener. All receivers and transmitters in the "PRO" Series are on the same 2 frequencies (169.445MHz and 170.245MHz).
Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System
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Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Microphone System Features :
- LEDs on transmitter and receiver confirm system status
- Ear-phone included to monitor sound being recorded and receiver plugs into camera?s external microphone jack
- Transmitter and receiver use one 9V battery each
- System includes: WR-PRO receiver, WM-PRO belt-pack transmitter, lavaliere electret condenser microphone and hand-held electret condenser microphone
Azden WMS-PRO Wireless Reviews,

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