Cheap Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver)
Differences Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver) with another product is, the product Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver) has been tested by a team of experts in their field and Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver) already qualified. So do the choosing Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver) this. We are sure you must be satisfied using Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver) to meet your needs. Hopefully you are satisfied using the Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver) ....
The "DFT" Digital Filter Technology uses a sensor to detect and isolate only the essential pulse oscillation. It helps eliminate other noise factors, leading to quick and reliable measurement capability. This also helps avoid over-tightening of the cuff on the wrist.The monitor lights up if you are moving during a reading, alerting you to the fact that your reading will not proceed unless you stop moving.The Automatic Memory Feature Saves your Readings and allows you to capture 84 readings (42 memory readings x 2 persons) and save them to track the readings over time.The cuff easily folds into the built-in storage case for added convenience. The Color Confirmation System Helps You Understand Your Readings, the monitor uses a 3-color light system to indicate if your reading falls in the Hypertension, Prehypertension or Normal Range: Systolic - Red: Hypertension (over 140),Yellow: Prehypertension (130-139),Green: Normal (under 129). Note: The female connection is for the AC adapter. The
Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver)
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Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Features :
- Blood pressure monitor saves a total of 84 readings
- Quickly and accurate one-touch blood pressure and pulse rate measurements
- Digital filter technology isolates only the essential pulse oscillation
- Color confirmation system shows if readings fall in hypertension, pre-hypertension, or normal range
- Measures 6.7 x 3.7 x 7.1 inches (WxHxD); 2.4 pounds
Panasonic EW3122S Upper Reviews,

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